What's wrong with me now?? Phew~
I've missed so many things because i'm leaving just for +-2days..TT
Suppose to write a fanfic here but end up talking nonsense.. (really..sumthing is wrong with me??)
Idk.. Just wanna write everything..
First thing is about twitter.. Is it really Junho?? Keep thinking bout it because Junsu didn't mention anything bout him..(or did i missed it?) Plus, Khunnie didn't follow him.. Hmm.. Whatever it is.. I'm gonna love him forever.. My forever baby==Lee Junho♥
Secondly.. I'm so don't have time on TV now.. Why?? Dunno~ How can i missed Dream Team?? Aigoo.. Regret it sooo very damn much.. I'm rooting for after school+DT.. When will i be able 2 watch it again? (really wanna watch it in TV because lappy's screen is not that big..TT)
And.. What else?? haha.. I'm really going crazy now.. With twitter thing that seem so hard for me.. to tell the truth.. I HATE it!! lalalala~
I'm so glad that my mood now is back again for 2pm.. (Junho is permanent!)
Even so, still love blaqies as ever..
Ahh.. What should i doing now?? Go to sleep?? Naah~ I can't sleep..
Got 2 find some idea for my new ff.. Who'll gonna be the main male characters?? Suggest me if you want to.. And also.. Thinking to make ff based on Kpop MV.. Sounds good ne??
Okay.. That's all from me now..(gonna write again if i feel to write..keke~)
Sayonara.. I♥JunhoSeungho to death~
p/s: This boy is just sweet~
owh...nk jgk ltk mir tu ekk??haha...
ala...noona junho da balek...huhu...T_T
haha..mir 2 penyejuk mate jek..
candy 4 our eyes..hek2..
urm?amboi..kne sedar yg kte nih bermadu taw..err..xnk2..rival!haha:PP
haha...yela tuh...
erkk...ok kte madu k....xnk rival..T_T
hahaha..yela2..dgn kebaikan n kesucian atiku neh,kutrime maduku yg seorg neh..just both of us!tanak da madu2 laen..sape2 yg suke junho jgn rpt ngan ktorg!!haha~
hahahhahaha!!ye r tuh..sy dgn baek hatinye...menerima maduku sorang neh...hek3...yes...sape yg mnt junho xdilayan...keke
unni nk buat ff bru? msuk2 kan lah eyah ek law leh..^^
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